Systegration Employee Benefit Package Summary *
- Insurances:
- Health Insurance – currently Blue Cross/Blue Shield, covers principal employee and dependents,
- Dental Insurance – currently Humana, covers principal employee and dependents,
- Vision Insurance – currently Humana, covers principal employee and dependents,
- Systegration pays 50% of health and dental premium, with a total monthly limit of $500 per family
- Pension Plan – Simple IRA, tax free contributions according to IRS standards with Employer matching contributions according to Employer policy and IRS standards. Employee becomes eligible to participate in pension plan after being Systegration employee for full six months.
- Paid Days Off for salaried employees
- Holidays / personal days off – 7 days
- Sick days – 6 days
- Vacations – 10 days; employee starts accumulating vacation days after being Systegration employee for full three months
* Conditions and rules apply, subject to change without notice or with a notice required by law